Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Break Up # Creation 15

The break up..
Its been the moments ago, 
when we swore to be together forever..
Its been the moments ago,
when I couldn't imagine my life without you.. 
Its just moments ago..

We used to chat for hours ,
we used to talk for nights.,
we lived up thousands of dream together.,
life sounded like beautiful chimes..!
its just moments ago..

I cracked punches to make you smile,
A line on your forehead made me cross any mile...
We used to celebrate the happiness together...
and held hands no matter how horrific was the weather...
Its just moments ago..

Single tear in your eyes used to slower down my heartbeats..
that innocent smile on your face made my world complete...
Rather of being with you for hours.., every second you ruled my mind....
Our pair was as beautiful as poem's rhyme...
Its just moments ago...

some things,somehow managed to make us apart...
the religion wall lay in our life long start..
We have to consider  "what people would say" ,as our parents do....
but no one can imagine how hard it was to choose between them and you..
This let me understand, what makes people commit suicide ...
some tears can't express what I feel inside...
I don't know, how shall I walk alone..
I am alive but my soul is no more..

Its just moments ago....


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Mehfil-e-Exam #Creation 47

Theek 6 mahine baad aaj phir ek baar... दरबारियों  ke kaano me khatre ki ghanti baji hai.. नजदीक  aa rhe संकट  ko dekhte hue...aaj phir ...